How I Cope: Experiencing Grief

by AD, Sacramento The way I cope with grief is by crying my eyes out. You know, letting your pain run down your face over and over, just feeling my body shudder with every tear.  I went through a moment of grave grief when I lost my church Bible study teacher/mentor about a month ago. He helped me through tournament competitions and basic bible study. He was even my camp mentor during summer bible camp. I hadn’t seen him since I was about fourteen years old. I had a brief, wonderful run-in with him about two weeks prior to his

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Forgiving My Mom

by ML, Albuquerque, NM When I think of someone I need to stop feeling angry or resentful towards and forgive, it would have to be my mom. She made multiple mistakes while raising me. At one point, she even picked other things over me and my siblings.  I resented her for letting go of me, but it really got to me and hurt seeing the impact on my little siblings. I had to take on the role and responsibility that should have been hers and told them the truth. For a long time, I never gave her the chance to

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Many Concerns

by Zion, San Mateo Over-thinking is normal for a person like me every day. I don’t know when it started, it just came out of nowhere. Many thoughts of how I’ll make money for my family, falling into bad paths, and not knowing what’s at the end of those paths.  Many concerns of what people think about me, do I do what they do, but mainly am I down to take the same risks as the people around me. I have concerns about what women would think of me. Many times, I think, am I the guy that takes risks

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Shaping Myself Today

by Uz, San Francisco  I agree that we can learn from other’s mistakes. Unfortunately, I learned from my very own. I see it as life lessons, to be honest. I’ve grown from my past mistakes. I am able to channel my best self now more than before. I was super young and defiant as a young teen and early teen. I’ve guided myself. I didn’t have a big home, a dad, or a real positive role model in my life. I experienced from my decision making the consequences that came with it.  So, I moved differently and ended up being

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Grateful I Am Breathing and Functioning

by Stitch, San Mateo This week, so far my week has been alright. I am grateful I am breathing and functioning. This week I got items from the canteen because me and my team won this trivia thing we did, so that It was nice. This week I also started taking adderall again. I went a whole twenty months without taking it, I was really not taking it in my first three months. Since I’m taking it again I’ve noticed a change in my behavior. I’ve noticed some side effects are mood swings and appetite loss.            I guess I am

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That Special Woman: My Big Sister G

by BG, Sacramento  I want to show some recognition to my big sister, G, aka MH. She is so special to me because she’s always been my backbone, pretty much my mother figure. Every time that I need something, she makes it happen. When my mom puts me out, I don’t even have to tell her twice, she’s already on the freeway sliding from San Jose to Sac to make sure I got somewhere to lay my head.  She twenty-five, from San Jo, real lady with game. I think she deserves the recognition because she is so strong. She dealt

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A Quote To Hold Onto

by Adriana, San Mateo  “If you’re not practicing, somebody else is, somewhere, and he’ll be ready to take your job.” -Brooks Robinson  I like this quote. This is a quote I hope to hold onto and remember. I want it to motivate me in times when I’m being lazy. Definitely words from someone wise, it’s a dog eat dog world out there and there’s always someone ready to take your spot.  This quote is good for people in school because of the “practicing” idea they touch on. This quote definitely makes me think about my own schooling because, honestly, I’ve

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Facing My Problems and Moving On

by Nikk, Santa Clara Personally, I put most things behind me relatively easily, simply because I understand that I can’t change the past or what I have already done, only what I’m gonna do in the present and future. This doesn’t mean I don’t have regrets or wish I could go back, and occasionally these thoughts and feelings will resurface.  And it is human nature for this to occur and to self-blame. But at some point, after beating yourself up over something, you just have to realize that it’s not doing anything or changing anything other than affecting your mental

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What Money Can’t Buy

by Patricia, San Francisco  Family to me is one of the most valuable things in this world. It’s what money can’t buy that makes me the happiest. Something priceless and so cherished as what family is. It’s the love so deep no one else can give you. Blood is not what makes the family. It’s how far you’ll go for them, the loyalty and trust given to one another, your other halves, and many strong, unbreakable bonds.  I have a younger brother and sister and mom and dad. But I consider so many more people in my family. My sister,

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The Costs Of Loving Someone

by Ishmael, Santa Clara  What’s up, Beat Within? How y’all doing? I would be better but I’m on C-level, which means I can’t socialize or call my family. But how do I move on from stuff? How do I put stuff in the past? See, I don’t really get over stuff. Well, I do, but it takes me a while because I feel like if you do something to me once, how will I know you won’t do it again? You really have to prove to me that you won’t do it again, but I won’t forget it.     

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