What Money Can’t Buy

by Patricia, San Francisco 

Family to me is one of the most valuable things in this world. It’s what money can’t buy that makes me the happiest. Something priceless and so cherished as what family is. It’s the love so deep no one else can give you. Blood is not what makes the family. It’s how far you’ll go for them, the loyalty and trust given to one another, your other halves, and many strong, unbreakable bonds. 

I have a younger brother and sister and mom and dad. But I consider so many more people in my family. My sister, who I am not blood related with, I went down with, which automatically created a strong bond between us, just because we shared such a memorable personal moment together… just like family. 

In my opinion, your most important and happiest moments are spent with your family, and that is just so beautiful. Of course not every moment is rainbows and unicorns, but that’s just what makes the bond even stronger. At the end of the day there’s beauty in every struggle… and the way I see it, if you guys let a situation come in between your bond, you were never family to begin with. 

Writing this makes me miss my family now that I am away from them. I miss all my loved ones so bad and I haven’t even been in here for a whole day yet. Really makes me realize how much I cherish them and how important they are to me.