The Costs Of Loving Someone

by Ishmael, Santa Clara 

What’s up, Beat Within? How y’all doing? I would be better but I’m on C-level, which means I can’t socialize or call my family. But how do I move on from stuff? How do I put stuff in the past? See, I don’t really get over stuff. Well, I do, but it takes me a while because I feel like if you do something to me once, how will I know you won’t do it again? You really have to prove to me that you won’t do it again, but I won’t forget it.

         Love. See, love is difficult. Love could either be very good for you or very bad. A saying I always heard was love can get you killed. I believe in both. I believe we do need love at some points, but in another point, love could hurt you emotionally or physically. Loving someone costs. You could be with someone relationship wise and love them, but they could easily break your heart in less than ten seconds. Or you could be really close with someone, but somebody close won’t like that and hurt you. 

       A lot of people say friends come and go, but family is forever. See, this phrase isn’t completely true. I have family that doesn’t like me or mess with me at all. And I have friends that have treated me better than my own family. They treat me as their own family. Family should never judge you or harm you. They should always be on your side.