
-Sanguine, Santa Cruz

I rarely receive any compliments honestly. The times that I do it’s often on my outfits or my taste in music. My usual response goes like, “Thank you.” 

I feel a little awkward after, like I should’ve said something different or my response was too dry. I don’t really know how to take compliments because, like I said, I rarely receive them. What I find even harder or more awkward is how to respond to people after giving them a compliment. 

Usually, when I give someone a compliment they usually respond with something like “Aw, thank you,” or a simple “Thanks.” Obviously, it’s nice to reply like that after receiving one, but nobody talks about how to respond to the response, or at least I’ve never heard anyone talk about it. 

I say something like “Of course,” “Yeah,” or “No problem,” but I still feel like that’s awkward, like that’s not enough. Maybe that’s something I should work on, how to make myself feel like I’m enough.