Ed Note 28.21/22

Welcome back to our Beat Within readers, writers, colleagues, and teachers. For this issue, we’re bringing you reflections from Camillia and Daisy, two of our interns at Urban High School in San Francisco, CA. It’s been such a pleasure to continue fostering this partnership, where the students of Urban have made a huge impact on The Beat over the course of their spring semester, transcribing the wide range of writing that becomes published in our pages.  Thank you, Camillia and Daisy, for your time, your dedication, and for sharing our mission to uplift the voices of incarcerated youth and their

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Grateful I Am Breathing and Functioning

by Stitch, San Mateo This week, so far my week has been alright. I am grateful I am breathing and functioning. This week I got items from the canteen because me and my team won this trivia thing we did, so that It was nice. This week I also started taking adderall again. I went a whole twenty months without taking it, I was really not taking it in my first three months. Since I’m taking it again I’ve noticed a change in my behavior. I’ve noticed some side effects are mood swings and appetite loss.            I guess I am

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That Special Woman: My Big Sister G

by BG, Sacramento  I want to show some recognition to my big sister, G, aka MH. She is so special to me because she’s always been my backbone, pretty much my mother figure. Every time that I need something, she makes it happen. When my mom puts me out, I don’t even have to tell her twice, she’s already on the freeway sliding from San Jose to Sac to make sure I got somewhere to lay my head.  She twenty-five, from San Jo, real lady with game. I think she deserves the recognition because she is so strong. She dealt

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My Message To The Youth

by Kenny York, San Quentin State Prison, CA When I was your age I never thought I would be in prison with a life sentence for murder. I have been in prison for fifteen years now and let me tell you it sucks. It was just going to be a quick robbery, fast and easy, in and out, nobody gets hurt. Just like in the movies I watched or the rap songs I listen to. The attempted robbery quickly turned into a murder though. This is an example of the inherent risk/danger that is always present when you are committing

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Living My American Nightmare

by Jaime Lopez Hello, my name is Jamie Jezzuel Lopez. I was born in Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico. I immigrated to the United States in 1999 when I was seventeen years old. I left my mother, older sister and younger brother looking for a better future. My single mother worked everyday, but the money she earned was not enough. We were poor. My first job in the United States was gardening in an apartment complex. I later worked in maintenance. The satisfaction of being able to help my family was great. However, my education and school was always on my mind.

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Ed Note 28.19/20

Greetings to our Beat writers, readers, and community members. We’re thrilled as always to bring you our latest publication of The Beat Within. Every other week when our issue goes to print, we’re in awe of the writing and testimony that comes forth from each person we have the privilege to publish. This issue brings lots of great writing on tough times, dealing with stress, how we define justice, finding hope, and honoring the special women in our lives. Our editorial note for this issue comes from our Managing Editor, Simone Zapata, who has been connected with The Beat for

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A Quote To Hold Onto

by Adriana, San Mateo  “If you’re not practicing, somebody else is, somewhere, and he’ll be ready to take your job.” -Brooks Robinson  I like this quote. This is a quote I hope to hold onto and remember. I want it to motivate me in times when I’m being lazy. Definitely words from someone wise, it’s a dog eat dog world out there and there’s always someone ready to take your spot.  This quote is good for people in school because of the “practicing” idea they touch on. This quote definitely makes me think about my own schooling because, honestly, I’ve

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Facing My Problems and Moving On

by Nikk, Santa Clara Personally, I put most things behind me relatively easily, simply because I understand that I can’t change the past or what I have already done, only what I’m gonna do in the present and future. This doesn’t mean I don’t have regrets or wish I could go back, and occasionally these thoughts and feelings will resurface.  And it is human nature for this to occur and to self-blame. But at some point, after beating yourself up over something, you just have to realize that it’s not doing anything or changing anything other than affecting your mental

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