That Night Still Haunts Me

by G, Sacramento Everyone at one point in their life faces some sort of difficulty. That’s just my life. My father died six years ago, when I was eleven years old. And still just thinking about that right now makes me panic. I can’t stop the panic. I can’t think, I can’t breathe. It doesn’t stop and I try to ignore it and I get angry and sad and hopeless, and it doesn’t stop.  Cut, burn, scratch myself, pain, and it helps it to stop. My dad was nice, my dad was caring. I loved my dad.  I remember I

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My Life

by JJEM, San Mateo Alright got that out of the way, so let me catch you up from the last time I left off on my story. I left off on the part where my friend Steven had a seizure and Georgie and I thought he died right in front of us.  Also we three were under the influence of alcohol and we were also high, but Steven and I were also under the influence of what you people know as LSD, and not the “mushrooms,” but also known as paper/gel tabs. I hope this story helps you understand how

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Why I Write About Pain

by Jesse Ayers, San Quentin State Prison, CA I was reading some of my latest Beat Within publications and I realized I write a lot about pain. I started wondering, “Why do I write so much about pain?”  Here is what I came with. When I start living a life full of love, joy, and happiness. Then I’ll start writing about love, joy, and happiness. Until then, I’m gonna tell you all about what I know, pain and suffering!  I know I haven’t experienced the same pain that some of you have. I met people in prison that have been

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22 Tips For 2022: Lessons Learned

by Leo Cardez, Dixon Correctional Center in Dixon, Illinois I was called to see the nurse today for my annual check-out. Towards the end of my visit she quietly turned around gloved up, lubed up, and instructed to drop my shots, turn around and bend over.  “What, why?” I pleaded.  It was time for my prostrate exam, she explained.  My first thought was, damn I should have made sure to wash my ass before I came over here today. Then I remember reading in the Department of Corrections Manual that prostate exams weren’t required until you’re over forty-five.  I pleaded

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