Seeing My Daughter’s Birth

by AK, Sacramento

I heard good news one day while being incarcerated. I went to court one day and the judge himself pushed my court date back a whole month, only due to them wanting to investigate where they want to put me at. But I feel like most likely they’ll send me back home to my loved ones like last time. 

And the good news really is I’m most likely going to go home on July 14th. I messed up coming back here, but the judge gave me a day pass to see my girl give birth to our beautiful daughter. I hope she will be very healthy. I am very happy with the good news the judge has given me. Also, my girl told me other good news where our daughter is very healthy and actively kicking. 

She’s not too small or too big. Good news though is that at least I am able to be there because all I want to be is the best father I can be. Short story is that yes, my dad is involved in my life, but he was not there when I was born. So therefore, I wanna be there for my daughter’s birth as an upcoming father. 

I wanna be able to see her grown up to be a successful woman, just like my mother. She is successful to me. Good news really is at least I get to go home at the end of the day to see a beautiful life grow up. And I know my mom and dad really miss me. So that’s my only goal is to really go home. 

I am grateful to be able to hear such good news in court that day. That I am able to not only hear, but to see my baby girl to come out and to experience life in this world. As a father, that is all I want to be. I just wanna take care of my upcoming family as a man at the end of the day. 

I am happy to come home to see my family and my upcoming family. Mom and dad, also my little brothers. But main thing is that I am coming home different. I will be a better person once I touchdown. I am happy to hear the news the judge gave me. I am very thankful.