Ed Note 27.39/40

It has been one heck of a busy year for The Beat Within.  As most of you know, we have been doing the good workday in and day out in our efforts to bring the best program to the sites we visit, and of course bring you the one and only publication that truly matters when it comes to giving voice to those within the walls of the system and beyond.   As we put the final touches on this latest issue, we take a moment to look ahead to 2023, and we certainly anticipate more of the same work

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The Darkness Increases The Value Of The Light

by D, Sacramento I have a deep connection to this quote. Right after reading this, I got a weird feeling in my chest. It wasn’t sadness, nervousness, or happiness. I don’t know what to call it. I think the reason for this is because I tell myself and others this every day. I always say, “You’re not gonna be here forever. Keep your head up.”  Sometimes, when I tell people this, I see a sparkle of hope in their eyes. Other times, I see deep anguish, hopelessness, like they don’t believe one single thing that I said. It’s how I

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My Gains and Losses

by Julian, Santa Clara I’ve gained and lost a lot being in the streets, I’ve lost my freedom, family friends, money, support, along with many other things.  Unfortunately, those are the consequences. Losing a loved one to the streets is one of the hardest things to deal with whether that means to violence, addiction, poverty, etc. I regret the things I’ve missed out due to my actions. Until this day I’m still missing out on the things like I should be there for like the birth of my child. There was a point in time where I had nothing but

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My Plan When I Get Out

by BA, San Mateo I am hoping to get out soon so I can get a job to get me some money and I’m going to keep doing my work so I can graduate here in the hall and keep doing well here so I get out soon.  I’m improving in so many ways that I thought I would never improve like I’ve improved in school and I remember I would never like school or doing work but now I like school and hopefully if I get out soon I will still go to school and graduate. If not I’ll

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Words Do Hurt

by Patrick Demery, San Quentin State Prison, San Quentin, CA Richard Wright in the novel, Native Sun, “You’re trying to believe in yourself and every time you try to find a way to live, your own mind stands in the way.”  You know what that is? It’s because others have said that you were bad and they make you live in bad conditions. When a man hears that over and over and looks about him and sees that life is bad, he begins to doubt his own mind. His feelings drag him forward and his mind, full of what others

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Dear At Risk Youth & Foster Children of America

by Freddy Huante, San Quentin State Prison, San Quentin, CA My name is Freddy Huante, I am currently in prison and wanted to write to you about my own life experiences. As I too have been lost within the Foster Care System. My goal is to inspire you to make better decisions that I did.  Yes, I used to be in your shoes and I made some very poor choices, choices that landed me in prison, serving a term of four life sentences for murder, the taking of a human life, three counts of attempted murder, with one count of

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Ed Note 27.37/38

Twenty-six years of service!  What an amazing journey it has been for all of us involved with The Beat Within. It is hard to believe we have been doing this good work, day in and day out for this long.  We have had the great privilege of meeting so many amazing people, inside and outside, along the way.  We have all learned so much about ourselves, our communities and our neighbors through these meaningful interactions we have had over the years. We strive to be the best program possible, first and foremost to the youth we serve, and to our

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Stop the Gun Violence

by Spazz, San Francisco We got to stop using guns to kill each other and use them to protect and hunt. We got to stop it by not tripping off gangs and stuff because you think that you own that block.  But, you don’t own it. It is going to be there when you are gone and thousands of years later. We need to come together and make one whole together. We got the most power people can have, but we kill each other over a number or color. You can stop it by not joining a gang and teach

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