Ed Note 27.23/24

Greetings friends! Summer is upon us and our latest double issue, 27.23/24 is ready for all our friends, colleagues, associates, partners and various supporters.  We are super excited about all the possibilities coming our way these next few months and beyond, as we are currently working on a very special Covid issue for Santa Clara County and one for all of our readers.  There is plenty of amazing content (since March 2020) that speaks on this pandemic from so many of you. Talk about a true history book documenting the times. Also, over the past month, we have been traveling

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What Is Life?

by XS, Sacramento What is life? What is the meaning of life? That is the question I ask myself every day. At age ten is when I lost my brother. It made me numb to life. I didn’t understand why. What is life? Being shot in the face at eleven, I realized not everyone lives through this. What is life? Having my mom put me into the system was the beginning of my downfall. Going through it, I saw it as a game. I saw it as a game sixteen times because I thought it was daycare. I was not

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They Don’t Understand

by DG, James Ranch, Santa Clara It’s my lifestyle and my decisions. We had a talk about a year ago. The last time I was at the ranch I called my sister and I was talking to her about all my plans that I had.  When I was out I was telling her how good I wanted to do and how I was going to make a change and all this but the moment I got out I stayed out all night, did some stupid and didn’t tell her about it until later on. I had my mind focused on

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Things You Hate to Hear

by Andrew, San Francisco The thing I most hate to hear is that I act like or resemble my father. I also hate to hear that I am a bad influence or a bad person. The reason I don’t like to be compared to my father is because he was just a bad person in general and also never in my life. I did not ever think that it affected me until I got older and realized that I probably never would have been incarcerated if I had a father figure in my life.  I was getting incarcerated because I

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Forbidden Freedom

by R, Missoula, Montana I feel helplessMy wrong doings…And I can’t do anything?Lost hope in a lost placeI forget thingsWhat did she look like again?What does being outside feel like?Will I ever be free again?“You can’t do that”“Not allowed”“Stop”“You can’t visit”Fourteen years oldNot allowed to see my parentsNot a single slice of freedomLocked upMy thoughts will wanderBut where will they take me next?Stress valley, crybaby city, hopeless homesIf you’re lucky, one day you’ll wake upFrom this dream…O n e d a y.

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Change Is Mandatory

by None Of Your Business, Santa Clara I Got sent to South Illinois to live with my pops when I was sixteen. I had a way different mind set then, from now. They told me, “If you want to get out of jail go outta state.”  To me that was a great offer. The only downside was that I had a lot of hatred towards my pops. When he was living out here he was less than 15 miles and he couldn’t see the kid or never did he check up on me.  I felt played that I had to

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Surrounding My Toxic Shame

by Richie Angulo, Avenal State Prison in Avenal, CA A few months ago my friend Mark recommended the book, “Healing The Shame That Binds You,” by John Bradshaw. It’s rare that a self-help book catches my attention, however this book turned my life upside down (in a good way). Reading this book allowed me to connect some dots from my past that I desperately needed. Author Bradshaw distinguishes between healthy shame as an emotion versus toxic shame that can become an identity. Unfortunately, I allowed toxic shame to consume my life and strip me of the man I was supposed

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Giving Everything You Got

by Efren Bullard, Ironwood State Prison in Blythe, CA I gave everything I got when I walked away from that old negative life style. I gave up friends that I knew since I was a child. I gave up hanging with them because I understood that nothing will ever come from violence.  The moment I walked away from negativity my whole world opened up to new adventures. I began to see myself free one day. I didn’t care what people had to say about me because this is my life and I’m the only one who can live my life.

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