A Balanced Approach To Critical Thinking

by Andy

My third academic publication shall be this one, in January 2020, a new decade in addition to a New Year.I have declared then and now again, that geopolitical and socioeconomic issues are no longer my business. 

Moving on from all that, I mostly read intellectually challenging and thought experimenting content. Among such books and related media include: Getting Started in Hold ‘Em by Ed Miller, DUCY by David Sklansky, Mathematical Brain Benders by Stephen Barr, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray, and many related life skills and self-help titles. 

Many issues of controversy, what constitutes a virtuous marriage, gun control, taxation and spending, criminal justice reform, concerns of (anti)patriotism, gambling ethics, being smart vs. being wise, and much more are still encountered frequently in intellectual discussion.

Given such reality, I settle on the ruling that one can discuss, debate, and process geopolitical socioeconomic issues without actually being involved in said issues (thus it’s not  one’s “business”). I continue to strive for self-education, and to one day begin teaching others the virtues of education, wisdom, and critical thinking. 

Oftentimes, I find it despairing that even though I learned to quell my own avarice, fear, rage, and pride years ago, I was and am still struggling to comprehend people and society, and fall to my vices in an attempt to live through life. Then, now, and after I humble myself and recognize my own hypocrisy and narcissism. I often despair too much at being able to be perfect and optimal; moving forward I ought to take a break. 

Upon my release in one or two months, I hope to go back to playing Dungeons and Dragons (D & D ) with my squad, maybe take the relationship with a close female friend to the next level, and what not.