Liberty and Justice for All

by Young African American

Is there liberty and justice for all? Can I imagine an equal society? There isn’t any justice in the society in my eyes. In a just society, people would be treated equally. In my experience with the justice system, I have not been treated equally as others have been treated in society. Can I imagine an equal society? No, because in this particular matter, there’s always been injustice behavior. Since African Americans were freed from slavery. 

For an example, when I was sixteen years old, I was stopped by a police officer who saw me, another unarmed young African American walking down the street, minding my own business, until I heard a siren. I stopped and turned around saw a police officer telling me to freeze. 

In my emotions, I was scared, confused, and shocked as the officer pulled me over to the curb and asked me questions. The officer paused and asked my age. As I told them my age, the officer said, “Oh, I’m very sorry, young man, you’re free to go.”