Ed Note 25.05/06

Welcome back, readers and writers of The Beat Within! As this issue was being completed, like most of you, we heard of the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant, his 13 year old daughter and 7 other passengers, who were killed in a helicopter crash in Southern California.  Given the greatness of Kobe, we had a couple amazing art pieces done by our old friend, the late, Michael Orozco.  In tribute of Kobe, we bring these art pieces back to share with you all.  Our hearts go out to those lost in this horrible crash, their families and all affected.  For

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Dear Struggling Youth

by Roberto Figueroa  I write to you with pain in my heart, realizing that you walk the same path I once did. I write these words from Ironwood State Prison with a life sentence of 50 to life. I thought to myself how can I do my part to help someone in need? Not just someone, but a young person who has a promising future ahead of them, you are the future. So make it count.  From a young age I was influenced by my environment. It felt like choices were made for me, but here’s the reality, I made

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A Balanced Approach To Critical Thinking

by Andy My third academic publication shall be this one, in January 2020, a new decade in addition to a New Year.I have declared then and now again, that geopolitical and socioeconomic issues are no longer my business.  Moving on from all that, I mostly read intellectually challenging and thought experimenting content. Among such books and related media include: Getting Started in Hold ‘Em by Ed Miller, DUCY by David Sklansky, Mathematical Brain Benders by Stephen Barr, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray, and many related life skills and self-help titles.  Many issues of controversy,

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Liberty and Justice for All

by Young African American Is there liberty and justice for all? Can I imagine an equal society? There isn’t any justice in the society in my eyes. In a just society, people would be treated equally. In my experience with the justice system, I have not been treated equally as others have been treated in society. Can I imagine an equal society? No, because in this particular matter, there’s always been injustice behavior. Since African Americans were freed from slavery.  For an example, when I was sixteen years old, I was stopped by a police officer who saw me, another

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My Crazy Life

by MD I was born June 19th, 2003 in Sacramento, CA.  I was raised in Meadowview, South Sacramento.  At age two, I saw my mother killed by a stray bullet.  I remember it like it was yesterday.   I was playing a game, while my mom was packing for our move.  There was arguing outside, then a pop.  The last thing I remember was my mother’s face before she died.  I will remember that day forever.   After fighting for custody, I ended up living with my dad, his girlfriend, and her daughter.  I guess you could say I had

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My Life Reflection

by JS Born July 16,2001 in Hayward, CA., but not even two months after I was born did I move to South Sacramento where I grew up for seventeen years and ten months. On my fifth birthday I got my first go kart and to this day I still have it and I still rip up race tracks.  One of my struggles in life was I hang around the wrong crowds. Every time I hung out with my friends I get caught up on some B-S that I never meant to get caught up in.  When I was nine years

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Ed Note 25.03/04

Happy 2020! Welcome to another fabulous issue of writing and art from The Beat Within.  We can’t thank you enough for taking the time to not only read this editorial note, but to read and hopefully find inspiration in the pages of this latest issue.  All though this issue is a bit smaller than our normal output, due to the winter holiday break, we don’t think you will be disappointed in what is inside.  Let’s start the new year off right, by giving our longtime friend and colleague, OT, the keyboard to spread wisdom to us all. Thanks again for

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Where You from?

by Derek Romero I used to be asked, “What I wanted to be growing up?” I didn’t know how to answer this truthfully. I had no notion or ideals of what was expected of me, like becoming someone with a religious background, which I strongly disagreed with. Me, a priest! Yeah, when pigs fly! I had perceptions and projections directed toward me at an early age to become the things my parents wanted me to be or do with my life.  They would say things such as they knew that I was smart, maybe smarter than my sister, and that

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