How To Cope

by Adriana, San Mateo

I used to think dope was the only thing worth living for, but now I see myself getting out, going to program, and living my best life clean and sober. Becoming and staying sober has been a complete lifestyle change that I will have to continue in order to save my life.

Yeah, it may have not been my choice to get clean. On the streets I would have never found the strength to do so, let alone maintain sobriety. Going down and staying down helped me reevaluate my life and rethink some of the lifestyle choices I have made thus far. I was young, dumb, and misguided, leading me to a life where my whole world was one of the most disgusting drugs out there. 

It wasn’t fun, trust and believe me, but I am glad to say I’m excited to go to program, something I would’ve never imagined for myself. I could have easily been one of the millions in my situation that would have just played the system so they could get out for their next fix. But I’m not. 

I’m one of the few that expect to learn how to cope. Without the one coping mechanism I’ve ever known because I’ve chosen to stay sober beyond my sentence.