The Way Life Is

by CC, Sacramento

Dear young reader – 

Life comes with no guarantees. Mistakes can become accomplishments. And accomplishments can become mistakes. Your life is what you make of it and so much more. Learn from others’ mistakes…learn from your own. There is no secret. 

Millions of people living in poverty. It is no secret that we all lose people close to us. There are no secrets about life. Understand that life is a gift, how you interpret the gift is all up to you. No matter your circumstance, always make sure you have a fighting chance at life. 

People may lose faith in you and people are always going to doubt you. But you must believe in yourself! Find your purpose. There will be times you question yourself, when you lose hope, when you feel defeated. It lies within yourself to move forward and continue to progress. 

Making excuses for yourself gives you reason to fail. Teach yourself that losing is not an option. Never allow the people to define you based off your mistakes. As long as you continue to learn, you will forever be great. 

Build a level of confidence that can’t be broken. Speak with purpose to those who want to see you fail. Speak with passion to those to those who look up to you. Strike for success and never settle for anything less than greatness. BECAUSE YOU ARE GREAT.