From the Bottom to the Top

-Jason “Jay”, San Quentin State Prison, CA

A powerful person I had met is Bill. He comes in with a bunch of guys to play basketball here in SQ, giving back, treating us as equal, as men, showing us that there are people that do care. 

If I was a school teacher, I would be a PE teacher. I would teach at a college. I would be mixed with both strict and lenient — just to motivate, push, guide, but also to be a support system. 

To me, compliments are just a sign of appreciation and respect. The things I do is not for compliments. If they don’t give it, oh well they are not appreciative. So I be like, oh well. And I just continue to be me. 

The woman who inspire me is my mom. Why? It’s the struggle she been through. The addiction, trials, tribulations, and hardship. To being a pastor, grandmother, hard worker, and a loving mother. 

She made her way from the bottom to the top. She’s so humble, loving, but stern and fair. My mother.