The Nature That Exist All Around

by Raymond White, Corcoran State Prison in Corcoran, CA

The flow of blood has no weight
But contains distilled and rich measure
That streams warm like one hundred
Rivers of eternity; just think of the
Blue sky more higher than the Eiffel Tower
In Paris, more elevated than wings
Of countless flocks of birds heavenly
Distance by flight travel
That drifts along white clouds beyond
The human eyes distinction, I can only
Speak for what pure nature I truly
Feel and see past hundred mile covered
Fresh grass fields, or wolves and deer
Running content across the soiled dirt
In rain forest all these beautiful things
In clear sights of journies I have
Lived by experience, through a portal
Of birth into breathing flesh
Is being on the forefront paradise
Of the nature that exist all around me
The gold sun bursting rays in full
Warmth nourishing the cool and weakened
Earth and feeling the flowers of many
Spring, born Garden roses bloom out
Of my heart the beauty and love
That has been many years absent
The rain pours heavy from
the morning sky—this cycle of daily
Production that creates and grows
More natural pure beauty that we
Learn to love and accustom ourselves to
For the scope of time remains transitory but inevitable
Where if feel, hear, see and taste
These elemental senses, even when
I have no physical existence to
Freedom, each day I replay these images.
-Raymond White