Influencing the Young

by Damian, Santa Cruz 

I have a lot of fun memories of me growing up, playing sports at school and just being with friends. Right now, I try to look back on the good memories. For example, I like to think about my basketball/football seasons, every time I spend with my family over the years, good and bad. 

One memory that gets to me is when I was younger, about six to eight. I had an uncle who was incarcerated. He was about twenty-eight. I remember so perfectly one day my mom got a phone call from him while he was in jail. Shortly after talking to him, she passed me the phone. It was hard talking to him over the phone. I was young and didn’t know why he was there or how long he’d be in. That memory has been running through my head a lot since I’ve been here because I have nephews around the same age I was, and I am now in a similar situation. 

I know my nephews don’t understand I’m at a place like this but when they do become aware of the situation, I wonder if they will have the same reaction as me. Also, I wonder if this situation will stick with them as much as with me. I am hoping it doesn’t affect their lives and lead them to do bad over the years. 

I hope they draw a blank and instead remember me from the times I would go to their flag football games and pick them up from school and all the fun and stressful times we have had together.