Options Symbolize Freedom

by Nelson Vega

I have become more and more passionate about money in the most recent months. I’m not certain if it’s because I don’t have it right now per se, or that it provides many options. 

Options symbolize freedom to me. It’s not the love of money. It’s what money can do for a person, organization, family, friends, and so forth. Money can be made in so many ways, and in so many different forms. My passion or obsession is about how money works. All areas of how it works and how it’s provided. 

I’m looking at multiple streams of cash flow, and how they provide money. Real estate, insurance, stocks, investments are a few areas I have been studying for quite some time. I’m interested in business and how it makes and saves money. The foundation of all this is people. 

People are a most valuable resource. People are far more important than money or objects. There is nothing like good people in one’s life. Without them, close to nothing is possible. Everyone needs their people. This dynamic then creates a wealth of options. This creates opportunities to make significant massive differences in people’s lives. It allows us to scale our passions, our best intentions, and fulfill our grandest dreams. 

People and money go hand-in-hand. They are part of a life of fulfillment. The security provided is important. It gives purpose, drive and inspiration. I have been without all of the above. It’s time for me to go. Now, let’s make some money.