I Should’ve Listened to My Aunt Toni

I should’ve listened to my Aunt Toni. I remember one night we were all hangin’ out over my sister’s house. We had to be in full party mode at this time. My aunt had come back to Cali from Las Vegas. She came over to our party. 

I don’t know how she knew what we were doing at the time but we used to do a lot of robberies and she wasn’t being confrontational in her approach but she begged us to stop what we were doing. She reminded me that I had a car and my own place. She told me I had enough and needed to quit. I had no idea why she was coming at me the way she was. I had given her money on the strength. She started crying at the notion of me trying to stuff money in her hand. What I said next still echoes in my mind.

I said, “Chill out you’re blowing my high.”

How could I or why would I say that is beyond me. I immediately felt like crap after I said it. I could feel her pain. This was the last time anyone I valued opinion actually tried to prevent me from going off the deep end. She stopped crying, and joined the festivities.

I don’t think I need to tell you that the next lick I tried to do, I got arrested and went to the pen. These few words I share with you because sometimes we need to listen to the voice of reason. And it can come from the strangest of people. I encourage to listen when someone has the strength to tell you to chill or quit doing something that eventually will remove you from their life. Also, remove you from the life you thought you loved.