
by Elijah, San Francisco

I got my heart broken a few times. I broke my own heart by being in here. As a kid, I never thought I would be here. It is hard for me to be in here. This is one of the places that I thought I would never come to but I made the wrong choice, being with the wrong people. I am a leader but I was following somebody and that is what got me in here. 

It was peer pressure and he got in my head about it. I spoke to my mom about it. My mom was telling me it’s going to be hard being a leader but she said do your own thing. If someone tells you you can’t do this, don’t listen. You got to put your mind to it. Being a follower that’s what got me in here, I really want to be a leader though. I know I am going to heal from this heartbreak. I need to finish school and focus on myself, not on other people. 

I also got my heart broken by a girl. We were messing with each other on IG. We linked up, it was our first link up too and we have been getting to know each other since it was our first time seeing each other in person. She was my longest relationship. We were together for seven months before she cheated on me. I didn’t find out from her and that is what really broke my heart. I would have rather she told me. 

Then she texted me out of nowhere, trying to get back friends with me because she liked the way our relationship was going. In my mind, this relationship is over for good. I can’t get past the heartbreak.