My Mom, My Future, My Education, And My Block

by JN, Sacramento

There are many things that matter to me. There are many things that make me, me. One person that matters to me is my mother. She is the person that matters to me the most in this world. Although I look dead on my mom, I have many of her traits. From outgoing to hardworking and humble. 

Another thing that matters the most to me is my future. I work a lot on my future every day the most I can while I’m incarcerated.  My future matters a lot to me because it will define who I am in life and who I’m destined to be. At the moment my mind has been real heavy because I can’t make the moves I would like to make. 

My education matters to me a lot because I need to be an example for my siblings that matter to me a lot. It also matters to me because I didn’t walk the stage, eighth grade neither. I was cut to walk the stage for high school. My next big step is graduating college. I feel like I owe this to my mom. 

My block does matter to me because I would like them to look at me as an example of someone who went through challenges, has lost people, and made it out and made it something different than just banging. I would like it to have its own things, from having businesses and organizations. Not just being a block. These are things that matter to me a lot and push me day to day.