Ed Note 27.47/48

Season Greetings friends and lovers of The Beat Within. We truly appreciate all your support in helping us be the best possible program we can be.  26 years and counting, what a journey! We are totally grateful for what you courageously bring to the table, if you are a writer, an artist, a facilitator, typist, supporter or community partner. We could not do this work without you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you do. This is truly a team effort.

What you have in your hands is our year end issue.  50 weeks of writing workshops. 1000s of submissions, and to top it off 48 issues of writing and art from inside juvenile hall and beyond. Much love to you all for the role you play. Now as is always the case, allow us to pass the keyboard over to OT, to share his perspectives as we say goodbye to 2022, and warmly and optimistically embrace the new year, 2023. 

This is OT reporting live to you from the hot volcanic rocks of the country of Managua, Nicaragua.

First and foremost, I want to thank all The Beat Within staff, volunteers, workshops facilitators, as without you all there is no publication. We need every bit of everyone doing their part no matter how big or small and just know that all of you are appreciated. 

This Beat Within machine is truly a team effort and I would like to take the time to recognize all of you important people that are dedicated to our program, the teachers, the probation staff that help us with the zoom and in-person groups, all the foundations that keep our plight in full motion and everyone who contributes. Every small task and deed doesn’t go unnoticed. I would also like to thank the many writers and artists, young and old, as without them there is no us. Your voice is important. Each time you get the opportunity to write it’s a moment that you can teach someone something about you, about your community and about your goals and dreams.

Life is too short to be dwelling on the past and the mistakes you’ve made. You have to keep pushing forward in the best way possible. For all the young adults out there just know that the choices you make today is what will provide a better tomorrow for you and your loved ones.

It’s never too late to chase your dreams and for most of your life is just barely getting started. It’s been an honor to get to know you all through your writing from San Mateo to San Diego, from New Mexico to Sacramento. You all are the future leaders of our communities, and you have the chance to make a difference for you and the next generation that’s coming after you.

See being involved in the streets, for some of you there is no choice. I get it. We will all go through the struggle, but just remember that it’s not forever. Look at all the dead homies, friends and loved ones that are no longer here with us. Count. Coronavirus alone took millions to their grave. The streets too, you either end up dead or end up in prison doing life.

It’s a revolving door that will place you in circumstances where you’re not just going to hurt yourself, but your loved ones as well. The end of the year is slowly creeping up on us. For some of us it’s just another day, but it’s time to reflect on our past and see what changes we need to make to improve our situation. 

This new year is going to bring lots of blessings for all of us. The Beat Within is going to continue strong with our 27th year now in service. I just want to say thanks to everyone. It’s a privilege and honor to be a part of your journey.

To all our guys in San Quentin, that attend our workshops and contribute writing to teach the youth each week. You guys are the backbone of this program because you guys are always looking for ways to get a positive message across. Many of you share your stories, share your experiences with the hopes of teaching someone that there’s always a better decision to make. We thank you all as there are to many to name but you are all an inspiration. 

It’s the holidays, and I know for many of you it’s not the place where you want to be, but just be thankful that you’re still alive and breathing. Whether it’s a meal, a spread, a joke, a laugh, a song, that you will share with your peers, remember you’re never alone. We’re all in this together.

With the new year rolling in I do have some goals. Some of my goals are to  reach out to many of you in different institutions and promote our program so we can get some more contributors in our writing community. We will be having a  writing contest for all our people come the new year. Please stay tuned as we are getting the details together as we speak.

I just want to go ahead and show my gratitude to you all, as your stories and insight motivate me to be a better person every day. That should be everyone’s goal. Remember to stay focused and positive.

I know it’s hard around these days as they bring us memories and wishes of wanting to be out there with our loved ones. Use this as motivation to get back to your loved ones. Don’t give up and don’t give in.

For those of you that are reading and this and do have freedom, and still feel like you’re in a cage, remember it all starts with a choice. The choice to choose and do the things that brings you happiness.

l just want to let y’all know how grateful I am to be a part of this community. Let’s all try to be the inspiration for others to follow and lead in their own way. We are all destined to be leaders. Just remember that. 

OT is signing out with the utmost love and respect for each and every single one of you. Much love and The Beat keeps going and going…

Thank you, OT, for sharing the love, as you have been a shining light for many years to The Beat Within and all those you have touched with the positivity that you bring each and every day.

Again, we want to wish you a wonderful holiday season and the best new year, as we all embrace 2023. Please know you can always reach out to us, if you have a story to share, and idea to float around, or simply want to check in and say hello. All your letters and submissions mean the world to us. We do want to extend an apology if you do not hear from us, given the sheer numbers of letters we receive we do struggle to respond in a timely manner. Thank you for your patience.  

Much respect to all you writers and artists for embracing this platform and making The Beat Within such a powerful and important tool for so many of us. We are forever grateful. Enjoy this last issue of the year. We know there is plenty to absorb and find inspiration from. Until the next issue, next workshop, next piece of writing or art… love and respect, always.