Teach the Youth

by Teacher, Santa Cruz

An important thing for young people to know in order to be successful is to be yourself and to not try to be someone you are not. Most of the time people will try to be like someone they are not to either impress people or just to try and fit in. 

I like to be myself because it is good that people know who I really am. It is also important to be honest when you think you need help, either counseling, anger management classes or more help in school. It’s important to be honest about stuff that bothers you. Most people including myself need to be honest about stuff that bothers you. I usually don’t say nothing when something really bothers me. I usually think that the problem will just go away with time. 

The problem does fade away, but the urge to say something does not. Then you are left just there saying something when the problem already faded away. There is no point in saying something then. It is better to say something when the problem is still there so other people can hear you out. 

The problem that was bothering you can be solved, with you even feeling better.