
 by Elian, Marin

A lot of people have talked to me in my life, but the two people that they have talked to me is my grandma and my big homie. I remember one time my grandma talked to me for almost an hour. She was telling me to do good and asking me what I want to be in my future. I always didn’t know what to answer, but I still remember what she told me. She told me to not give up, ever,in life and every time I am giving myself up, it reminds me of my grandma, and I try to keep going no matter what. 

The other person is my big homie named J. He is 28. I also go visit him in Santa Rosa. He always is telling me to do the right thing and he tells me how he was when he was my age. He was like me, getting into trouble all the time. 

He went to juvenile hall a lot of times and he tells me to do good, and try to do everything I can to stay away from trouble. He said that he wouldn’t be telling me what to do. He said that he wasn’t my dad to tell me what to do. It was my life, and he can’t control it, but all he wants for me to do for him is to stay straight and not be in problems all the time. 

When I got arrested this time, he was mad at me because when I do something I’m not smooth with it. I end up getting arrested and he told me that he wants me to cut as soon as they let me out and spend time with him this summer. He told me that it would be fun and not be stuck in the house all day. 

I will try to stay away from problems and do my best to stay out of juvenile hall.