Trusting Yourself Is Trusting Your Power

by LL, Sacramento 

What “trust your power” means to me, is to trust the intelligence you have. When I hear “trust your power”, I think of it as words of wisdom. Many people in the world have different capabilities and don’t use them to their fullest. Trusting your power is like trusting yourself in some sort. 

We get put in situations we don’t want to be in every day. We make changes by the mind. Everything we do is a power. Waking up, eating, walking, talking. It’s all a power. You just gotta trust it. 

For example, let’s say you went to the store and while shopping, you bump into someone. An argument can approach you. You have the choice to one, apologize, two, keep walking, three, start an argument. It’s your choice. That’s your power. We are capable of many things. It just takes you to make that change. 

Your “power” can also come from the things and people around you. Your “power” can be your talent. That could be talking, dancing, writing. Anything you put your mind to. My power comes from my voice. To me, my voice is the most powerful thing I can have. 

To trust your power, you have to show it, believe in it, and want it. Trusting your power means a lot of different things and has many ways of showing it. In Kaepernick’s way, his power was him taking a knee before the game started. His power was standing for his history from what he’s been through in the past. His power came for all.