The Two Most Motivational People In My Life

by Zayy, San Mateo

One person who motivates me the most is my mother because every day I wake up, I think of things she tells me on a day-by-day basis. Most things my mom tells me stay in my head and is useful. 

When I was younger, I used to think she would tell me things to pick on me, but as I grew older, she made me realize all the things she was saying would help me in the real world. She’s telling me because she most likely has been through it already and she doesn’t want me to make the same mistake she made. Now, every time my mom tells me something I listen to it, even though it may seem to her that I don’t. 

Another person who motivates me is my girlfriend because when she catches me doing things that I’m not supposed to, she corrects me and tells me there’s other ways to go about things. She also makes me promise to do good and I know I made mistakes in the past that messed up our trust, but when we make promises, I don’t want to break them because I feel it would hurt her or make her lose more trust for me. Whenever she sees me committing insanity she would often speak up. I could hear her beautiful voice in my head and picture her beautiful smile. I wouldn’t want to let her down, she always uplifts me when I’m mad and I want to do something stupid. She is motivational because she tells me to do the right thing and tells me right from wrong. 

With that being said, these are the two most motivational people there are more, but those ones help the most and I will always be grateful for them. They always try their very best to make me make the right decisions and to go the right path, so I’m grateful for them.