Ed Note 26.49/50

Welcome to our year-end issue, 26.49/50, of The Beat Within.  What a journey we have all been on, as the Covid pandemic continues, and adjustments in our day to day lives are necessary to move forward in a healthy and safe manner. We are thrilled that our longtime colleague and friend, Alyssa, whom many of you know, has embraced the opportunity to take us into 2022 with her thoughts on the past year and of course goals for the upcoming new year, with the last editorial note in 2021 

Before we get there we too want to personally thank you writers, artists, students, teachers, friends, family, readers, colleagues, supporters, partners, and collaborators for doing your part in our success this past year, and as we prepare for yet another amazing year of service in 2022.  We can’t say it enough, we have learned so much from all of you. We appreciate your involvement in The Beat Within. It is truly a team effort. There is no way we can do this work alone. Everyone has a hand in our success, if you are a writer, a typist, an editor, a reader, or supporter, know your part does not go unnoticed.  Thank you.

None of us know what 2022 has instore for us, but we can anticipate The Beat doing its part in giving voice and creating this special platform for our youth and elders, when we lead our weekly workshops and produce our magazine every two weeks.

Again, big thanks to you all… please stay in touch we want to hear from you and be a part of this next chapter with you.  We truly can’t thank you all enough for what you have shared this past year. We are all inspired by the writing and art showcased in this one of a kind publication.  Until the next issue, in 2022, love and respect to you all, now let’s pass the keyboard to our dear friend, Alyssa.  

Greetings to my writers, colleagues, and everyone who has contributed to the livelihood of The Beat Within! It is such an honor to bring home another year with this incredible program, more significantly, the 25th anniversary year! I have worked alongside David, Lisa, and the youth for about ten years now, and my passion and love has only strengthened. 

This year has brought many things into my life – death, pain, joy, and celebration. It has opened my eyes to a lot of things, including the never-ended reality that life is so precious, and can be ripped away or shaken up when we least expect it.

When the pandemic hit, the first year was a fruitful one for me. I enjoyed staying home, spending time with my loved ones, getting into shape, and educating myself in books and writing. I can truly say, I enjoyed the time inside, despite the struggles the rest of the world was facing. 

This second year was not the same. In April of this year, I lost my uncle (my mother’s baby brother) to the Coronavirus. He left behind his wife and six beautiful children. In those moments, we realized that we were never really prepared to lose someone so close to us. It shook our world, and we are still feeling the hurt, especially during the holidays. 

A couple months later, in September, I was faced with a tragedy that changed my life forever. It was around ten at night, when I heard a loud crash outside my apartment building. I didn’t think too much of it, but still ran outside to see what was going on. It was then when I saw that a car had hit a tree right in front of our building and it was completely wrapped around. 

There were a couple of bystanders there already, and they had called for help. I was going to keep my distance, but something told me otherwise. In an instant, I found myself running across the street, going straight to the window of the vehicle. In there, I found a young man, who I found out later was nineteen years old, struggling to stay alive. 

Instincts took over and I placed my hands on him, telling him that he needed to stay with us, and that he was surrounded by so much love. You could hear the group of fifteen to twenty people praying, asking God to be present. 

After cutting the seatbelt and failing to open any doors or break any windows to get him out, my purpose was clear to me – tell this young man that he is loved. In that moment, I placed my hands on his face and told him that I loved him. He took one last breath and passed away moments later. His name was Matthew. 

The holiday season can bring a certain sadness, or even pain, depending on our circumstances in life. Right now, my family is grieving loss, and Matthew’s family is too. I am surrounded by pain. However, as it has for the past ten years, every time I walk inside those juvenile halls, I leave feeling a bit more healed. I owe so much of my healing, my growth, and my joy to the youth inside those walls. You all have saved my life and re-inspired me over and over again. 

This is simply my thank you to you. I thank each and every young person who has ever contributed to The Beat Within, if I have worked with you in person, or just read your work. You are not in your ideal situation, and you are all facing a lot of challenges. However, you still teach me so much. You have all played such a huge role in my life and have inspired me to stay resilient. 

One thing I have learned, is that through all the darkness and the pain, there is always a light. And we are the light. Keep shining and illuminating those around you. I look forward to many more years with The Beat Within. We are in this together! 

Love, Alyssa!  

Alyssa, we are incredibly sorry for your loss and the pain you are feeling. We love you and want you to know we are with you too. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt truths with us.  Your words mean the world, as they also inspire us to do our part in making our communities a better place.  Here’s to 2022! Let’s make it a better year for everyone.  The Beat Within goes on…  Stay true to you and your story. You matter, your story matters, we are all listening.  Peace and respect.