Broken In Many Ways

by Rashad, San Diego

I would describe my heart as emotionally damaged from all the losses and trials and tribulations I had to go through at such a young age. I have had many broken hearts for many different reasons. 

From a female to family betrayal, to losing someone close to me and that I care about. I have also had a lonely heart growing up by myself. For so long, I felt I had no one but the few homies who were looking out for me. But eventually they ended up switching on me too.  

It only happened because I let it happen. I was trying to fill a void that I had for so long because I didn’t have my family. So, I ended up putting my trust and love in the wrong people even after I seen the signs that I shouldn’t have ignored. 

At the time, I felt I didn’t really have any other choice. I feel I have been able to mend my heart, but if you went through and seen all the things that I have in my short seventeen years of living, there would be no way you could fully mend your heart. 

I just take my time while I’m locked up to try and repair it to the best of my ability. I know it will never be fully repaired and I will carry everything I’ve been through for the rest of my life for better or for worst. 

I feel I have the heart of a lion and made of gold because I have the fight and drive of a lion and leadership qualities. As for gold, I think my heart and all my traits make my heart as valuable as gold, if not more, because I am solid, loyal, and my true colors always show.