Appreciate Life Before It’s Gone

by Camila, Sonoma

“Your entire life can change in an instant. So instead of passively taking what you have for granted, be grateful for it and do whatever good you can with it.” – Anonymous

I took a lot of things for granted when I was younger, like my family. I never really cared about no one but myself. I was always by my myself, until one day I got locked up when I was thirteen and went away for three years. In those years, being locked up, I realized who was really there for me.

My mom and my sisters were there for me. They never gave up on me and neither did my best friend, Jenny. They kept me going and gave me motivation to finish my state time. I always tell myself; you do the crime you do the time. 

You also realize your homies aren’t visiting you! But your family is. Who is paying your collect calls? Your family. No one has your back except your family. Family over everything. Love your family don’t take them for granted. Before its too late. Don’t’ make that mistake.