I Write To Connect

by C, Sacramento

I write to express myself, to release the pain, or to get things off my shoulders. It’s like if I don’t got no one to talk to, I can write my feelings down on a paper and feel better with myself. I know some of this is published, and it can help someone else by telling my story. 

Sometimes, they can relate to my story because I read people’s stories that are published and or some books and it helps me, as a person to do better or have a better perspective on some things in life. Reading people’s stories (in The Beat Within) shows I am not the only one going through a lot. 

There are people out there that are going through much worse but, in some situations, we can relate and be able to communicate. This takes some weight off our shoulders especially under these circumstances (being incarcerated). It means a lot with you guys giving us the opportunity to express our selves. To have it published to everyone gives us a sense of freedom.