Sculpting My Image

by Gucc, San Mateo

I’ve been reading a book on psychological improvement. Actually, I finished the book recently. So, I’ve been working on myself in every aspect. I’ve been doing a whole lot of introspection, seeing who I really am. I also have been practicing meta-cognition and if you don’t know what that is, it’s being aware of your thoughts so basically thinking about thinking. 

Some people don’t ever question their thoughts. They just think that that is themselves talking. But truthfully, your mind isn’t you. Even though it sounds strange, it’s true. On average a person has 50,000 thoughts a day and most are built off genetic codes from our ancestors. Most of our thoughts are supposed to help us survive. But they are little use in this new age so we have to optimize our software (our brains). 

We have the ability to change the way we think. It’s called neuro-plasticity. This is the ability to carve new pathways in the brain. Over time, if you keep practicing what you learn, you reinforce the pathway. So, with this newfound knowledge, I’ve been training myself in hopes of self-mastery because I can’t control what goes on in the outside world, but I can control what goes on in my head. 

But my mind isn’t the only thing I’ve been sculpting. I’ve been training myself physically too. I’ve been waging an internal war with my body. I believe that if you always stay ready, you won’t have to get ready. So, I work out, shadow box, and practice strategy in my head. Because I’d rather be prepared and have nothing happen than be unprepared when something does happen.

I rely solely on my own wits and strength because you are not always going to have someone to tell you the right choice to make or to back you up and protect you. These are the things I teach myself, to sculpt my mental. When sculpting my image comes into play, it’s less about thoughts and more about the outer display. 

Two things I make sure my image gives off is that I’m not a clown nor a dummy. In two months, I will have been on this planet for 18 years. I have been in the streets since I was 10, you do the math. I’ve been around for too long to be either of those. One wrong move and you’re in jail for life or on a T-shirt, and that ain’t an option. So, I carry myself a different way than most. I learn from the mistakes of others and my own. 

Truth be told I wish I could’ve learned earlier in the game that this isn’t a game. Every action you make in life has a reaction. For example, if your action is working out, the result could be getting stronger. Another example, is you stick your neck into something that has nothing to do with you, the result can be you getting hurt or something worst. If you been around long enough you will be able to relate from experience, either first hand or second hand. 

The best way to live is to study actions and reactions. Truth be told most things have already been done, so people have done the actions you are planning to do so look at their reactions and see if that is what you want for yourself. 

In sculpting yourself, it’s all on education. Everybody has an ideal self that they want to be so study your ideal self and then educate yourself on what you would need to learn and do so you can get closer to being that person. Even though I’m not at the finishing line because my ideal self expires every day I educate and train myself so I can close in on that gap. I ask myself what would a perfect me do in this moment to get the best reaction and then I act.