Ed Note 26.13/14

Another week another Beat, welcome to another solid double issue of the one and only The Beat Within. We are thrilled to present the latest writings from our weekly groups to those of you who loyally reach out to us independently. Thank you all.  Given the tight deadline we have been on, we are incredibly grateful to bring back one of our most loyal colleagues and friend, OT. This week OT is back to share his thoughts in this latest editorial note.  We are always moved and inspired by our friend and colleague, who despite his location, plays a huge role in our production and success of this one-of-a kind publication!

Thanks! My name is OT for all those that don’t know and I’m currently writing this from my home in Managua, Nicaragua. First of all, let me go ahead and extend a warm embrace and hug to all of you reading my message. I would like to give a thanks to all the young writers that courageously stepped up this week to contribute their thoughts, emotions, and stories. 

To me, it’s an honor and privilege to be able to read your work. Even though I may not agree with everything you say, you do a tremendous job of being honest, and from your heart, as you deliver uplifting words, despite the challenges many of you face, you stay upbeat and encouraging in your writings. 

Now, I have to give you all a bit of my background. I’m not just a person that only reads your writing or writes for The Beat Within. I too, used to sit on those same juvenile hall seats, and I too been through the system, including – county, and prison, which eventually lead to me getting deported to Nicaragua. I hate to sound repetitive when I mention that because some of you already know, but I want to emphasize a few things here. 

Aside from all the positive advice and wisdom that I read from you readers, I also read how hard life is for many of you. No doubt that when one finds themselves behind bars, there’s plenty of time to “think.” You think about your mom, your dad, your girl/boyfriend, your grandma, your friends, homies, heck even your ex-girl/boyfriends, and old relationships you’ve had in the past. 

You think about all the stuff you are missing out on while you’re locked up like family events, sporting events, birthdays, just to name a few. I know, because I’ve done it before, and I continue to do it, because I too am very far away from my family and loved ones, so those same thoughts tend to climb into the driver’s seat of my mind very often. I often, have to push them to back seat, or even lock them away in the trunk of my car(mind). 

Think, Think, Think. That’s all you do. That’s all I do too. I believe there is nothing wrong with thinking, analyzing, dissecting life, or even the life of your loved ones as well. You have time to think while you’re locked up. 

Who would’ve imagined that you’d be thinking about all those things, while you’re free right? When your free in the real word, your mind is actually trapped in the daily hustle and bustle of whatever your routine consists of. You think about what you’re going to wear. You think about what you’re going to eat. You think about the countless number of friends you need to say good morning to or text. You need to like a few pages on the Instagram account. Then you call your boy/girl. You think about what you’re going to do throughout the day. You think about school, your homework (if you do it). 

Or maybe you think about how you’re going to hustle and get money. Then, lunchtime comes around and your routine kicks into the same cycle. What am I gonna eat? What juice should I buy? Then who I’m going to text? Who should I follow on Instagram. 

After lunch you go back to what you were going to do, and then the same cycle repeats at dinner time. Guess what? Many people have this type of cycle. Wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, work, get off work, workout, think about dinner, maybe your favorite sports team is playing. Wait Mortal Kombat is coming out. Let me see who wants to see the movie with me. Wait my girl/boy is texting me. Let me see what they’re doing. 

For those of you who hustle to put food on the table for your siblings, or help out your family with groceries, you think about how you’re going to do it, but then disappear into the streets not even thinking about how the absence of your presence at home is affecting your family. 

See, COVID was forced to shut the country down, but as I read some of your pieces, many of you apparently still found yourselves in the streets, doing whatever you were doing. In that moment, did you stop and think about your family back home? Or were you still just chasing after an illusion of fast money that only brought you to your incarceration? Never did you stop and think the realistic outcomes of your actions, that they might lead you where you’re at right now, alone with your thoughts. 

But here some of you are now, and this situation is real. Now, you’re really thinking inside that cell. Now, you really don’t have the distractions that you used to have when you were free. Now, instead of thinking of what you’re going to wear, what you’re going to eat, when you need to brush your teeth, who you’re going to text. Now that program is being dictated by a system (which I know none of you like, and neither did I) but that same system gives you time to really think about your life! 

It gives you time to think about those people you love, your girl/boyfriend, your future wife/husband. It gives you time to think about your future, re-evaluate yourself, and think about where you want to go in life. Do you really want to continue to live your life behind bars. Don’t you want to travel? Have fun? Barbecue with your loved ones? 

And I get it. We all like to pretend like the streets is going to give us that great future that these rappers rap about. But think about it, now that you ain’t got nothing but time to think? Do you really think those rappers are still living what they are rapping about? Hell naw! They are rapping about the stuff they probably once did. They’re not with that lifestyle no more. They rap about it to make money, and now many of them are CEO’s with their own clothing brands, jewelry stores, restaurants. 

Nobody stays in the life of crime for ever because it doesn’t pay. It doesn’t buy property, it doesn’t buy businesses. Those days are long gone. The government got that sewed up. No, one wants to be doing time in prison for the rest of your life. So, as I hear and see you guys write and express yourselves, I want some of you to start doing some positive thinking for your life, because your thoughts hold power. If you think negative, negative things are bound to happen. If you think positive, positive things will happen. It’s as simple as that. 

It all starts with a thought, and then the thought itself manifests into reality. 

“I feel like getting this dude.” Or 

“I need to pull this lick.” 

“I ain’t got no other options.” When you think about it like that, then your negative thoughts contaminate any positive vibes that you may have within you. If you wake up this morning, and decide to smile at your neighbors and say “Good morning.” 

Chances, are you will get the same good morning right back to you. If you wake up in the morning and just flat out mean-mug people and say something disrespectful, then you’ll get that right back too. What does that tell you? That your thoughts hold power. Your dreams and goals start off with a thought first. 

Listen, you guys are young. You still have time to think about what you want to do. There are so many different things to do out there, construction, welding, being a counselor, an athlete, singer, coffee barista, a teacher, but whatever you decide to do remember one responsibility that you will automatically have, is being a role model and mentor. Because you will have a family one day, if you already don’t. You already may have little brothers or nephews, sisters and nieces that look up to you, and you don’t even know it. 

You know how inspirational your story will be after you’re done writing it? All the challenges and obstacles that you guys been through, and still managed a way to thrive and succeed in life. You all motivate me to be a better me just by reading a little paragraph that you write. That’s the kind of impact your words have, and that they kind of impact your thoughts have and that’s the kind of impact that you have as the great human being that you are. 

Many of you are still confused and don’t know what you want to do as far as your career, or what you want to do in life. I know it’s early. Remember the path to success is never an easy one. Everybody has to go through the trials and tribulations, and everyone has to go through adversity and obstacles. There’s no way around that.  In the process while you are still THINKING about what you want to do, get your side hustle on. To do that, you’re going to have to take on jobs that you may not necessarily like but are able to put food on the table without you worrying about risking your life or your freedom. 

Do it people. Value your freedom. Value your family. Value your loved ones, value your boy/girlfriend, heck if you have a boy/girlfriend, that’s two people that can get two jobs. You guys are a team and that’s even better. Value the good times that you have with your loved ones, and learn from your mistakes, their mistakes, your friend’s mistakes, etc. Value your freedom, and most importantly value yourself. It all starts with a thought, believing in yourself. I believe in you. The Beat believes in you. 

Success doesn’t just come knocking at your door. You have to work hard for it and you have to speak it into existence with your thoughts. One love to y’all. OT signing out! 

Well said, OT! We’d love to hear your thoughts and comments on OT’s editorial. We’d love to hear your plans and what you are thinking of doing for yourself, your family and community.  Reach out to us anytime. We love hearing from you. We are grateful to OT and all of you reading our amazing magazine. We appreciate all your time and work! Sending you our love and respect. Stay busy in a healthy and productive way!