Happy New Year!

Our long time colleagues, the JJIE (Juvenile Justice Information Exchange) are featuring The Beat Within essay, “No Longer The Monster But I Feel Like A Fraud,” from our colleague and friend,  Josue.   This beautifully written, and inspirational piece is a must-read for all, especially our youth, as Josue shares his story as a youngster growing up in San Francisco to who he is today.   It is certainly an honor to be working with Josue and to provide this talented teacher and writer a platform to not only share his work in the pages of The Beat Within, but today, thanks to the JJIE,  on their website.

“As I write these words, I am overcome with a rush of nostalgia. Although my time at the Youth Guidance Center Juvenile Facility (YGC) in San Francisco was anything but joyful, I found solace in the streaks of graphite that marked my paper as I wrote for The Beat Within.

Growing up in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District, which was plagued by crime, drugs and alcohol, along with being raised by immigrant Spanish-speaking parents who did not fully grasp the consequences of our environment, evidently shifted my path from the American Dream they sought for me into a path of violence, depression and alcohol abuse.”

No Longer The Monster But I Feel Like A Fraud


To read other posts by The Beat Within, that have been picked up by the JJIE over the years, please go to the following link


Thank you for your continued support. Reach out anytime,
