In My Teens Now

by Jeremiah

I don’t remember being born, but I do remember my birthplace, Kaiser Permanente, Redwood City, CA. The first house I remember living at was in Oakland, CA, where I had my moms and pops, and an older brother. Before me, they lived in San Mateo, CA. I have dull memories at the Oakland house, but major events took place. A man laid in the street dead, I was about three years old when I seen that. I split my head open on the corner of marble stairs, leaving a permanent scar on my forehead.  

Think that’s harsh? One day me, my brother, and an old friend were playing on a trampoline when I fell off. The kid fell, landing on top of my skull with his horse teeth. Boom, blood everywhere. My skull was split and blood was pouring. My white tee was already drenched in blood. I was rushed to the hospital. I was about four or five years old. I got staples and ice cream, haha. 

By this time I was living in Redwood City, CA. I went to a pre-kinder school, then eventually an elementary and middle school called Roosevelt. I was a problem child, even in kindergarten. I once hurt this kid because he was bullying another child, so who’s really the bully? I was later kicked out of kindergarten and sent to another school called Taft. I went there from first to fifth grade. I never had friends – the other kids followed me! Did what I said to do, even to this day the same kids suck up to me!  

In the middle of fifth grade was Outdoor Ed, a camp for children to experience. I had a good time, except for when one kid made me angry. He broke my flashlight. What I did was took his and threw it out into the wild – so who won that battle? Haha. I was one of the few kids who did not cry when leaving Outdoor Ed. The year was ending, and so was my lack of respect. One day my teacher, Ms. V, had bent over and had a beauty mark where the sun doesn’t shine. I was not expelled but left in the office for the remainder of the year.  

Sixth grade was cool. Had a couple girlfriends at one time. Shoot, three girls was my record! I was good at all subjects. But Ms. B kicked me out of her class – I was a “disruption.” Met new kids in my class and had recess with my new pals and old pals. I also threw a condom filled with water at a staff. How he knew it was me, I have no idea. I was segregated and had to stay on one side of the cafeteria.  

Then it happened – I found weed. Not weed from the ground, but marijuana. It smelled terrific, so what do I do? You guessed it. Brought it to school the next day. I was smart enough to say I killed a skunk and stepped on it. The teachers all bought into it, except the vice principal! The police came and I told them I found it. I was expelled.  

So after sixth grade, I was placed in Hayward, CA., with my family. We moved from Redwood City to Hayward. I went to a school called Ochoa Middle School. I was in seventh grade when I met this girl my age and had to make her my girlfriend. Me and her just clicked. We got together. I went to her house to chill a couple times, and the park by her house, too. We both were in the same class. I told her I’d be right back, and guess what? I really just went to the bathroom to smoke a little joint I had rolled up. I was not caught in the process, but told on by a kid that I told I would beat up if he told. He told alright, but I never hit him. I took his backpack and emptied it out on the floor.  

As the expulsion process began, my mom found a school about thirty blocks away, Martin Luther King Middle School. I began to go there middle of the year. I quit talking to my other crush and hooked up with another. I got into my first fight, too. He got on my nerves so I said, “See me after school, then.” He said, “Okay, it’s good.” I came with my friend Josh, he brought half of his bloodline, I think his grandma was there too! Me and him squared up, he took the first swing and hit me. I lifted him up and slammed him and the fight was over after he couldn’t breathe.  

A couple weeks later me and this kid who tried to smoke in the bathroom were caught. Again, I was expelled, and soon put on direct studies, known as Independent Studies. I did that but later was going to a continuation school for high schoolers who were a lot stronger and bigger than me.  

Sooner or later I was in eighth grade. I went to yet another continuation school in Redwood City. I transferred to Hoover Middle School/Elementary School. I was later caught with razor blades and expelled. I was back at the continuation school for a couple weeks, then tried back at another school. This school had to be the one, I told myself. Nope. I was expelled with only a couple more weeks to go. I never walked the stage for eighth grade, one of my many grudges I hold against myself.  

Now high school, for my ninth grade year, I went to Menlo Atherton High. It was cool, I went with my older brother – he is two years older than me. Had a couple girlfriends, nothing serious. The worst thing I did was let a sucker in my place of business without getting to know the snake first. You guessed it, he stole from me. Me and him fought and I was later expelled for some other reason.  

I then moved to South San Francisco, CA., went there for my tenth grade year. Met a couple cats, they were alright. Had a couple girls, still nothing serious. I was later arrested on school grounds for a bad choice I made. 

This was all I could think of writing as I’m currently locked up in San Mateo YSC (Youth Study Center aka Juvenile Hall). I hope for a second chance. Peace and good fortune to those reading and listening.