My Story

By Chapo I grew up really fast for my age because I didn’t have any other choice.  Let me just tell you a little bit about my situation,  in my midteens, coming up in the war zone I call home (Vallejo, CA.).  It was hard for me at a young age. I was pretty much bouncing around city to city due to my family’s situation.  Really, I’m not making this a sad story or make it sound like some dumb movie.  All I’m trying to do is share my life experiences with anybody younger or older who wants to change and

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My Life Story

by Darnell McGregge First, I want to say that I take full responsibility for murdering Ms. Washington and wounding Donald Sheppard.  In no way am I attempting to minimize what happened. I feel it’s important I share my story with you so it can help someone not to make the mistake that I made.  Again I take full responsibility for what Id did and I am really sorry! My mother was a single parent, and we lived in the Nickerson Garden Housing Projects in Watts.  I was the last of four children. Even though my mother did the best she could

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Alcohol and Drugs Destroyed My Life

by Ung Bang  At the age of sixteen I made the decision that would result in the deaths of two innocent human beings. I have agonized in prison for the past twenty-one years and would often wonder about the decision that I made that lead me to this destructive life style that I lived. It is still painful today when I do recall my childhood memories of being physically and emotionally abused at home and at school. How does a child deal with feelings of being unwanted, unloved, and abandoned by his own family and peers? Knowing nothing else I chose

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Meaningful Conversations With My Teacher 

by Frank The last time I had a real meaningful conversation was with my teacher, Mr. Cannister. Cannister made me realize that I had to get my life on the right track. Being here in juvie makes me angry with myself for being a mess up in my past. Talking with my teacher gives me motivation to want to do better. Not only for me but also for my family and those around me. I know I messed up but I can choose to correct my wrongs and myself. I can keep messing up, but so far that hasn’t gotten

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