Dear Struggling Youth

by Roberto Figueroa 

I write to you with pain in my heart, realizing that you walk the same path I once did. I write these words from Ironwood State Prison with a life sentence of 50 to life. I thought to myself how can I do my part to help someone in need? Not just someone, but a young person who has a promising future ahead of them, you are the future. So make it count. 

From a young age I was influenced by my environment. It felt like choices were made for me, but here’s the reality, I made those choices. I had a bright future when I found myself in ninth grade. I attended honors classes in tenth grade, and from there things took a turn for the worst. 

A major factor that played into my walk down the wrong path was that sense of not understanding who I was, or who I wanted to become. I understand now that my “identity crisis” left me vulnerable to negative peers. It’s hard for me to admit, but I was the nerd with not too many friends, getting bullied by other kids. This left me feeling less than “cool.”

Looking back on it, I should have stayed as that boring nerd. There’s a very good chance that I wouldn’t be sitting in prison with a life sentence. So be glad with being who you are, as long as you are not causing harm to those that love you, and those around you. Believe me when I tell you that I know first-hand what works, but if someone is taking time out of their day to say something hurtful to you, they are just hating, because you are doing the right thing. 

Separate yourself from that negativity of bad people, drug usage, and all the other bad activities. Keep yourself busy, be honest and respectful to all around you, even the ones that do you wrong. Remember the golden rule, treat others how you would like to be treated. 

After everything was said and done, guess who stuck by my side, my family. Take into account that when you struggle those who care for you struggle as well. My so called “homies” were nowhere to be found, and a true friend wouldn’t walk with you down the wrong path. A true friend only wants to see you do good and will help you do good in any way they can. 

This is something that I realized after I was incarcerated, fighting life. The reputation I built with my negative actions and the hard core gang-member I thought I was brought me nothing but heartache. I lost my precious mother and my little brother in less than a year and I couldn’t be in their lives before they left this earth. I must live with this on my mind for the rest of my life. 

Rest assured, it’s never too late to change. Make the choice to change into that better version of yourself. It’s a lot easier to do the right thing then the wrong. The world is in your hands, and it’s your decision. Maybe I was put here to reach out to you, so you don’t have to go down this road. I’ll let you in on a well known concept, do you know what is here in prison? Absolutely nothing! Nothing! 

Take it from me, I was willing to lay it down for the hood, not anymore. So do me a favor, be all in for yourself, and realize that you are special. I am counting on you to do the right thing, no pressure!