How Not to Feel

by Michael Cabral He broke my heart. After that night I’d see him act the same bewildering way many more times. It was, I eventually learned, what too many beers did to him. But the first time my uncle hit me (I was four or five years old), all I knew was that something had changed. Not in him. No. something had changed in me.  I was named after my Uncle Mike, and that already made me feel close to him. When he started calling me his “Bodyguard,” though, and especially when he’d introduce me to people that way (“This is

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Regret, Reconciliation, Repetition

by Elías People find it difficult to admit fault. We would rather receive an apology than apologize for our own wrongdoings. It is a position of power: having the ability to forgive someone or not, rather than being at the mercy of another, in a vulnerable position.    We all wish we could take back certain decisions. I do, frequently. The situations I could have handled differently keep me up at night, but I try not to let them eat me alive.  My father’s death was different: it continuously creeps up on me. The weekend of his death, a Saturday,

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Dear Roses Coming Up Out The Concrete

by Missy Hart aka Infinite Mentality I want to first and foremost open this letter with my utmost love and respect. I hope this letter finds you in high spirits, if not, I hope this letter lifts them a bit. Beautiful roses, seeds planted in the garden of grief, I feel your pain, I feel your loss, I feel your struggle, a life many cannot relate to, but I’m taking this time to put you up on game of what is waiting for you outside them walls if you strive towards it.  A life worth living is waiting for you

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