
by Adriana

I would have to say the dumbest thing I have ever done was start- using meth. Now I crave it every day. When I was on it I would act erratic and out of control. Now that I am sober it really sucks, since I started at such a young age I don’t really know what life is like or how to act. I struggle with more simple tasks because of the constant drug abuse. I am behind in school because I was such an addict that I would just get on one and nothing else.

My eating habits suck because I never got used to my body actually getting hungry. The two most difficult challenges for me would be staying sober and coping because of how much drugs took from me. It took money, time, just valuable things in my developing life that I will never get back because of this stupid monster. I shouldn’t have ever done it, I wish it didn’t exist, but I can’t change the past. Just take what I know, all the terrible situations it got me in, and move forward.