Dear Beat

by Silent

My name is Jesus C. I would like to first thank my family for getting me get through these hard times. Melianna, Anthoni, Jessie, Daddy’s coming home soon!

I was introduced to The Beat by my brother Tolo who’s also a writer for The Beat. I’ve been in prison for a couple of years and I have two months left before I go home. It’s been a long rough road, but I’ve learned a lot and became well connected with myself. I’ve lost a lot, but me coming to prison was one of the best things that has happened to me. I needed this to slow down and pay attention to life and everything around me. I am no Angel but I have become a better man!

I would like to give some hope to everybody behind these walls. We’re already here so why not make the best of it. Always remember to always keep your head up! Never forget where you came from and what you’ve been through. Our past is the key to a better future. I am who I am today because of what I’ve been through! Take control of your life, stand up and dominate. Every time we fall down we become stronger! Never give up, fight for what you want, fight for what you believe in. Take responsibility for your actions because the only one to blame, is yourself for your mistakes. The sooner you accept your wrongs and mistakes, the sooner you can move on. A lot of us always go back and say, “I wish I would have taken that left instead of that right or I should have done this or that.” If you were supposed to take that left you would have taken it. No matter where we find ourselves today or tomorrow, that’s where we are supposed to be!

I’d like to thank The Beat for the opportunity that has been given to us to express and speak our minds. We always have something to say and there’s always someone who can relate or needs to hear the words of another…